Unprecedented in many ways
The VFFF is the accessible rallying point where pragmatism and innovation merge to create real-world solutions. We are leveling the playing field; raising the bar to heights never imagined
Breakthrough Mindsets
We operate at the forefront of disruptive change; lifting people from challenging circumstances is not simple. That is why we are unafraid to dialogue, engaging broad perspectives and experiences to operationalize programs that affect the root causes of our most pressing challenges.
Our Vision
Leaders joining in thought and action across historical boundaries to empower self-sufficiency and reduce suffering.
Our mission
To overcome generational disparity and hopelessness; globally by using common knowledge, wisdom, and best practices.
The Best and Brightest
We are requisitioning the top talent and expertise so that together we may evaluate, recommend and support optimal funding and resource allocations to get the right things done that matter to people in need. We hope to set a new standard that includes philanthropic giving, fund usage, measured and monitored outcomes.
How we do it?
We are setting the standard for doing the right things with wealth, power, influence, heart, and intention. The VFFF works to move beyond constraints that limit people and society. Given a supportive environment, we believe people possess the unique ability to achieve their best. A set of human basics unites us across races, creeds, genders, financial means, political and national boundaries. Attaining stability requires building, understanding, and leveraging healthy physical, mental, economic, and theo-spiritual systems.
The VFFF joins philanthropic giving and high-performance program initiatives that get things done that matter to not just some but all people.
We measure and monitor refining, continually improving our outcomes, so our collaborative work supports each person’s ability to creatively improve their lives.
We recognize that everyone everywhere is unique. That is why our initiatives are architected to support people to achieve their creative personal best through life’s essentials: health, experiential education, mentorship, and workforce opportunity.
Working collaboratively, our leadership alliances enable us to see, feel, think, and act from the top-down and the bottom-up. Together, we include, not overlook, the diverse connecting points between people and the planet.
Think Globally
Act Locally
Act Locally
Good decision-making is essential in our advanced age. The wars we wage many times begin between our ears and heart. Mobilizing our thoughts and actions builds generational momentum; historical decisions have lasting consequences. Under the Foundation, Viola inspires leaders to use their power and influence wisely, intelligently, and with the greatest impact for the Good.
Read Viola's Vision